File No. 812.404/44.
Consul Schmutz to the Secretary of State.
Aguascalientes, January 20, 1915.
Sir: * * * After the arrival of the Constitutionalist troops in Aguascalientes, when Alberto Fuentes was acting Governor, the Catholic churches were ordered to suspend all religious services and those of the Catholic clergy who had remained here were ordered to leave the locality. I have not been able to obtain knowledge of any official decree or legislation ordering their departure, but understand that the officials of the military government notified them in person that they must leave the State. One church, the San Antonio church, was absolutely confiscated and a large sign was placed over the door: “Legislative Palace,” it being the intention of Governor Fuentes to use it as a state house. The private property of the Archbishop Ignacio Valdespina and that of the Spanish clergy and sisters was confiscated by these same officials and up to the present moment it has not been returned.
The local Spanish Vice Consul has an inventory of personal property amounting to about $8,000 U. S. c’y representing the value of the property looted by the Constitutionalist troops in July and August, 1914; [and] another claim amounting to about $3,800 for property confiscated from Sister Carmen López Ortiz. I have no figures in regard to the property confiscated from the native Archbishop and clergy, but believe it is much more than the amounts above noted.
Since the change in the State administration in November, 1914, the new military commander and governor, Victor Elizondo, has been more liberal. The Catholic churches are again open, except the church of San Antonio, which is still in the hands of the government authorities, and the church of La Merced, which belongs to the Spanish clergy.
Many of the priests and sisters have returned, but those of Spanish nationality, while now they are not molested, are not permitted to follow their religious vocations.
I regret that I am unable to obtain reliable information concerning the status of the Catholic clergy and religious orders in the State of Zacatecas but believe it is very similar to that existing in this State.
I have [etc.]