File No. 812.404/8.
Cardinal Gibbons to the President.
Baltimore, August 18, 1914.
My Dear Mr. President: Since my conversation sometime ago with Senator Lee in regard to the situation in Mexico, I have been doing my utmost towards calming the feelings of the Catholics in Mexico. However, I regret to say, I am almost daily in receipt of letters complaining of the bitter persecution of the Church by the Constitutionalists. I am sending you herewith enclosed a Latin letter with its English translation72 which I have received yesterday from the Bishop of Zacatecas, at present residing at Villa Brackenridge in San Antonio, Texas. From it you will see that neither he nor any of his priests can return to their city from which they have been exiled. I feel quite sure that just one word from you to the Constitutionalist leaders would have a great effect and would relieve the sad condition of affairs.
I would be exceedingly grateful to you if you would let me know if something could not be done in this matter.
Thanking you [etc.]
Archbishop of Baltimore.
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