File No. 793.94/397.

Minister Reinsch to the Secretary of State.

No. 628.]

Sir: In continuation of my despatch No. 617 of May 4, I have the honor to transmit for your information copies of a number of documents connected with the ultimatum of May 7 which closed the negotiations between China and Japan.

The first document contains the proposal for a settlement which was advanced by the Japanese Minister on April 26 and was then stated to contain the minimum which the Japanese Government could accept.51
On May 1 the Minister for Foreign Affairs met the Japanese Minister in conference and read to him a memorandum in which he argued that the Chinese Government had given ample proof of its friendliness and sincerity towards Japan through the extensive concessions which it had offered and in which he gave the reasons for withholding assent to other demands.52
At the same time the Minister for Foreign Affairs handed to the Japanese Minister a statement of the maximum of concessions which the Chinese Government was ready to make.51
On May 7 at 3 p.m. the Japanese Minister handed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs a memorandum which was in fact an ultimatum with acceptance limited to fifty-one hours, in which there was demanded the acceptance without alteration of all the articles of Groups I, II, III, and IV in the Japanese revised list of demands of April 26, together with an exchange of notes in connection with Fukien Province.51
This ultimatum was accompanied by an explanatory note in which various points of detail were discussed.51
At midnight of the 8th of May the reply of the Chinese Government accepting the ultimatum unconditionally was delivered to the Japanese Minister.51
As the Japanese Government had issued a statement53 concerning the negotiations, a copy of which is enclosed, the Chinese Government on May 13 issued a statement in which its position is fully explained.52
Enclosure No. 8 also contains a number of the other texts herein separately enclosed which have been left together for convenience in reference.
On May 13 the President issued a mandate based upon a memorial received from the Tsan Cheng Yuan or Council of State in which it is declared to be the policy of the Chinese Government that “hereafter no part of the coast or any port, bay or island thereof, will be ceded or leased to any foreign country.”54
I am further enclosing a copy of a telegram sent by the President to the provincial authorities on May 5, in which certain instructions are given with respect to the attitude and behavior of officials and people during the critical period.55
I am also enclosing a copy of an editorial concerning the official statements of China and Japan.17

When it had been made known that an ultimatum would be delivered, the Chinese officials were much perplexed as to whether it was wiser quietly to await the delivery of the ultimatum or to attempt by further concessions to placate the Japanese. During the six days from May 3 to May 7 councils were held at the President’s residence almost daily. I have been informed that on May 5, which is the diplomatic reception day at the Foreign Office, the Ministers of Great Britain, Russia and France took occasion to express to the Minister of Foreign Affairs their opinion that it would be wise for China not to attempt armed resistance to the demands of Japan. During May 6 certain conversations were held between the Japanese Legation and the Foreign Office; I was informed that the Counsellor of the Japanese Legation stated to the Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs that if China had further proposals to make it might be possible for the Legation to intercede. The Chinese Foreign Office, presumably with the consent of the President, thereupon offered to make further concessions on the points contained in Group V. Although the Chinese fully realized that the Japanese Government had put itself in a position where it could not urge the demands of Group V by force of arms, they were so panic-stricken at the idea of an ultimatum that they were willing to buy the assurance of peace by foregoing every tactical advantage which they held in the negotiations. The Japanese Legation then stated that the instructions of the Japanese Government left no alternative but the presentation of the ultimatum, which was carried out on May 7 at 3 p.m.

The Chinese were now astonished and chagrined to find that the demands of Group V were not urged in the ultimatum; but their annoyance at having unnecessarily committed themselves too far the day before was compensated by a sense of relief because the terms of the ultimatum at first sight seemed so moderate. In the first fullness of satisfaction and relief the Chinese were inclined to understand the stipulation that “The demands of Group V will be detached from the present negotiations and discussed separately in the future” as an adroit manner of abandoning those troublesome questions. They were, however, soon to learn that this hopeful interpretation was not in accord with the ideas of the Japanese Legation.

In the discussions preceding the delivery of the ultimatum there had been a very strong party, in which the leading military men were included, favoring resistance to the Japanese demands. Violent scenes are said to have taken place in the council during these discussions. The party favoring resistance argued that, while China was not prepared to wage war successfully against Japan, submission would mean national disintegration and would rob the Government of all authority and popular support while resistance would rally national feeling and make it possible to obstruct the Japanese [Page 150] advance until, with the ending of the European war, help from abroad could be expected. The strongest representations were made to the President to determine him toward this course of action. When the ultimatum had been delivered, however, the military party realized that it would be decidedly impolitic to offer resistance in view of the fact that the most objectionable demands had been postponed. They therefore assured the President of their support in the disagreeable duty of accepting the ultimatum.

May 8 was taken up with the drafting of the Chinese reply to the ultimatum. The Chinese Foreign Office realized that a certain advantage could be gained by giving the answer a form which would imply the abandonment of the demands under Group V. This would have been accomplished by stating that the Chinese Government accepted the demands of Group I, II, III and IV and was willing to make an exchange of notes respecting Fukien; and that it trusted that in this way a settlement of the pending questions had been effected. But the form chosen included the phrase “with the exception of the five articles in the fifth group.” The Japanese Legation had expressed a desire to see the answer before it was formally submitted. When they saw the wording chosen by the Chinese they insisted that after the clause as quoted there should be inserted the words “which are to be discussed in the future.” In this way it was made perfectly clear that the Japanese Government had no idea of relinquishing the demands in Group V but that they had been given the character of unfinished business to be taken up at a future date. The tactical mistake of the Chinese Government was probably due to a desire to appear explicitly to refuse certain concessions.

When the acceptance of the ultimatum was announced there came from all parts of China many strong expressions of disapproval; but so far, with the exception of slight anti-Japanese outbreaks at Hankow on May 14 and at Chinkiang on May 16, no popular movements have been reported.

The Presidential mandate with respect to the non-alienation of places along the coast represents the effort of the Chinese to solve this question in such a way as not to commit themselves to the Japanese Government as a protecting power.

I have [etc.]

Paul S. Reinsch.
[Inclosure 1—Translation.]

Presidential mandate concerning the non-alienation of the coasts of China.

memorial from the ts’an cheng yuan.

During the last days of the Oh’ing régime when the power and influence of the nation were on the decline, the coast was the scene of many military activities. Consequently some parts of the coast were either ceded while others were leased to foreign countries; thus many strategic points fell into the hands of foreign countries and the means of defense were practically lost to China, whose people have since not been able to enjoy peace. This is directly in conflict with the principle of defending the country by occupying the strategical points. We therefore suggest to the Government that at this time when our country has just passed through a period of suffering and pain, we should profit by past experience and make plans for the future. An open order [Page 151] should be given to the Ministries of War and Navy as well as the provincial authorities to give special attention to coast defence, so that the people residing in these regions may live in peace in their homes and pursue their occupations. A declaration should be made to the world that hereafter no part of the coast or islands, bays or ports thereof shall be ceded or leased to any foreign country, with a view that the nation will be at ease, that its defense is secure while peace may reign among the different countries. This problem was brought up for discussion at a meeting held on May 12 and unanimously passed. We hereby respectfully present this suggestion for promulgation, etc.

president’s rescript.

Since the coast regions are in close relations with national defence and should be well guarded beforehand, the suggestion of the Ts’an Cheng Yuan is indeed farsighted. It is hereby promulgated. Hereafter no part of the coast or any port, bay or island thereof will be ceded or leased to whatever foreign country. The Ministries of War and Navy as well as the provincial authorities of the coast provinces are hereby instructed to be specifically responsible for the defence of the same so that the sovereignty of the nation may be consolidated.

[Inclosure 2.]

President’s telegram to Provinces.

1. In order to give no pretext to Japan to commence hostilities against our country, it is absolutely necessary for the high provincial authorities to devise means to prevent any anti-Japanese demonstrations or riots, while at the same time great care should be taken by them and their subordinates to induce the people to love their own Fatherland so that in case of necessity the masses know how to defend their own homes against alien aggression.

2. If the people know how to love their own country, then they know how to use the native products of their Fatherland without any collective demonstration against foreign goods. Hence the improvement of native products is not prohibited by the Government; but any useless demonstration or talk about boycott of foreign merchandise is strictly forbidden at this critical moment.

3. The publication of patriotic announcements or speeches or any printed matters concerning the improvement and extension of native products are not prohibited by the Government; but in order to prevent bad characters or fiendish elements to mix themselves in the company of well-to-do merchants and people to make mischief for attaining their selfish ends, provincial authorities are hereby ordered to pay their full attention to inflict certain restrictions according to the existing conditions of their respective districts so as to confine the patriotic people of our country to the right path.

In conclusion, the President adds that the people of the 20th century should know how to love and respect their own Fatherland and die for it in case of emergency; but in the case of individuals, they should respect foreigners; any anti-foreign demonstrations or riots are greatly despised as senseless and barbarous by the civilized world. Hence, in the midst of our perils, we must exert our best to gain the sympathy and respect of foreigners. Sensible and educated men will certainly at once know the real intention and idea of the Central Government in handling the most delicate situation so that the Civil Governors and Chiang-chuns must strictly adhere to these instructions.

[Inclosure 3.]

Japan’s Communiqué, issued by the Japanese Government from Tokyo on May 7 and circulated by Renter’s Telegraph Agency.

[From the Far Eastern Review of May 1915.]

The Imperial Government have, in the demands lately presented to the Chinese Government, made it the main object to adjust matters to meet the new situation created by the war between Japan and Germany and to [Page 152] bring closer the friendly relations subsisting between Japan and China and thus insure the permanent peace of the Far East. In formulating these demands, they have taken special care to avoid those which might have been deemed to conflict with the principles of territorial integrity, equal opportunity and the open door which Japan has from time to time declared to the Powers in regard to China. Accordingly these demands include among others those relating to the disposition of German rights in Shantung, those relating to the recognition of the special position and interests of Japan in South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia, and those relating to the solution of various questions which for many years have been pending between the Japanese and Chinese Governments.

Group I contains demands relating to the Province of Shantung.

The first article demands an engagement on the part of China to consent to all matters which may be agreed upon between the Japanese Government and the German Government with regard to the disposition of all rights, interests and concessions which in virtue of treaties or otherwise Germany possesses in relation to the Province of Shantung.

The second article demands an engagement on the part of China not to alienate, or lease to another Power the province of Shantung or any portion of it or any island lying near the coast of the said province.

Article 3. China shall grant to Japan the right of construction of a railway connecting Chefoo or Lungkou with the Tsinanfu-Kiaochow Railway.

Article 4. The Chinese Government shall open the principal cities of the province of Shantung for the residence and trade of foreigners.

Group II contains demands relating to South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia.

The first article demands the extension of the terms of lease of Port Arthur and of the South Manchuria and Antung-Mukden Railways to a period of ninety-nine years.

The second article demands that Japanese subjects shall be permitted to lease or own land necessary either for erecting buildings of various kinds for commercial and industrial uses or for agricultural purposes.

The third article demands that Japanese subjects shall be permitted to reside, travel and carry on business of various kinds, commercial, industrial or otherwise.

The fourth article demands that Japanese subjects shall be granted the mining rights of certain specified mines.

The fifth article demands that the consent of the Japanese Government shall be obtained in advance when China proposed to grant a railway concession to subjects of a third Power or to procure a supply of capital from a third Power for the construction of a railway or to raise a loan from such Power on the security of duties or taxes.

The sixth article demands that the Japanese Government shall be consulted before the engaging of advisers or instructors regarding political, financial or military matters.

Article 7 demands that the management and control of the Kirin-Changchung Railway shall be transferred to Japan for the term of ninety-nine years.

Group III contains demands relating to the Hanyehping Company.

The first article demands that having regard to the close relations between Japanese capitalists and this company, the Chinese Government shall agree to the placing of the company under joint Japanese and Chinese management and not to dispose or permit the company to dispose, without the consent of Japan, any rights or property belonging to the company.

The second article demands that owing to the necessity for the protection of the interests of Japanese capitalists, the Chinese Government shall engage not to permit, without the consent of the company, any one other than the company to work the mines situated in the neighborhood of those belonging to the company and also to obtain previous consent in case it is proposed to take measures which may be deemed to affect the company directly or indirectly.

Group IV contains demands relating to the non-alienation of the coast of China or islands off the coast.

The Chinese Government shall engage not to alienate or lease to a third Power any ports or bays on, or islands off, the Coast of China.

[Page 153]

Group V. Propositions relating to the solution of pending questions and others.

  • Article 1. The Central Chinese Government must engage influential Japanese as political, financial and military advisers.
  • Article 2. The Chinese Government must recognize the right of Japanese to land for building Japanese hospitals, temples and schools in the interior of China.
  • Article 3. The police in localities where such arrangements are necessary must be placed under joint Japanese and Chinese administration, or else Japanese must be employed as police officers in such localities.
  • Article 4. China must obtain from Japan a supply of a certain quantity of arms, or else must establish arsenals in China, under joint Japanese and Chinese management, and these must be supplied with experts and material from Japan.
  • Article 5. Japan must be given the right to construct a railway connecting Wuchang with the Kiukiang-Nanchang line and with the Nanchang-Hangchow railways.
  • Article 6. In view of the relations between the Province of Fukien and Formosa and the agreement respecting the non-alienation of Fukien, Japan must be consulted whenever foreign capital is needed in connection with railways, mines and harbor works, including dockyards.
  • Article 7. The Chinese Government must recognise the right of preaching by the Japanese in China.

With regard to the Province of Shantung, China absolutely lacks, it is clear in her present condition, the power to prevent Germany from recovering her influence in that province and from becoming in future again a source of disturbance in the Far East. It is, therefore, natural that Japan, who has at great sacrifice driven Germany out of Shantung, should present the above-mentioned demands, in order to consider how the rights possessed by Germany should be disposed of, and to take measures to prevent the recrudescence of German influence.

Japan’s relations with Manchuria have always been especially close geographically, politically and from the point of view of commercial and industrial interests. Since those relations have been strengthened by two successive wars the predominant position of Japan in that region has been recognized both at home and abroad.

The case is almost similar in regard to Eastern Inner Mongolia.

Further for the advancement of the intimate relations existing between Japan and China, no effort should be spared to solve definitely on this occasion all pending questions which are likely to lead to difficulties with China and at the same time to make an agreement with a view to prevent future misunderstandings. The Japanese Government, fully expecting that the Chinese Government would value the friendly sentiments existing between the two countries and willingly accede to the Japanese proposals, urged them to carry these matters into effect, whereas, in other matters China’s consent was demanded by reason of treaty and other rights.

With regard to the demands, which were formulated after careful and mature consideration, on the basis of the principles above referred to, the Chinese Government, in disregard of the understanding which was made at the commencement of the negotiations to keep the proceedings of the conferences strictly secret, made public the Japanese proposals, in various exaggerated forms and endeavored to stir up the feelings of the Powers against Japan. They caused the matters discussed at the conferences to be published invariably in the newspapers, with a view to hindering the progress of the negotiations; by fabricating news detrimental to Japan and they attempted to shake the confidence placed by her ally in-Japan. They even demanded the unconditional retrocession of Kiaochow and an indemnity for the damage caused by the war between Japan and Germany, and thus they showed from the first a lack of a sincere desire for a satisfactory conclusion of the negotiations.

Moreover, although the Japanese Government fully showed its sincerity by repeatedly explaining the motives of the demands and endeavored to hear China’s unreserved views on the matter, it is an undeniable fact that the Chinese authorities failed to appreciate the friendly attitude of Japan and persisted in protracting the negotiations. Twenty-five conferences were held in all, extending over more than three months and throughout these conferences the Japanese Government exhausted every means of arriving at a satisfactory [Page 154] solution, but the Chinese Government, although they showed a disposition to agree to the demands relating to the province of Shantung, yet with regard to South Manchuria put various restrictions upon the most important demands, namely those relating to the rights regarding land tenure and objected to those relating to Eastern Inner Mongolia and various questions enumerated under Group V on the ground that they were derogatory to the sovereign rights of China or conflicted with treaties with other Powers and, although the Japanese Minister explained that such was not the case, they refused to listen.

But, recognizing that a satisfactory conclusion of the negotiations was most important for the maintenance of peace of the Far East, the Japanese Government treated the Chinese contentions with every consideration, making very great concessions. In a spirit of conciliation they amended their proposals and presented their revised draft to the Chinese Government on April 26. In the revised draft the contentions put forward by the Chinese Government were taken into consideration. In this draft, as regards Eastern Inner Mongolia, the demands were confined, for the present, to absolutely necessary matters; those relating to the Hanyehping Company were confined to matters which had been admitted by the Chinese Government at the conferences. As regards the demand respecting the non-alienation of the coast, the form desired by the Chinese was accepted. The proposals relating to advisers, ownership of land for schools and hospitals, and the position of the Province of Fukien were all altered in accordance with the views expressed by the Chinese representatives at the conferences. As regards South China railways, the relations with third parties especially were respected and alterations were made accordingly. The question of the right of preaching was reserved for future negotiation. Those relating to police and the ownership of sites for temples were withdrawn.

The revised draft is therefore practically as follows:—

Group II. Eastern Inner Mongolia is excluded from the proposals respecting South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia and the second and third articles are amended as follows:

Article 2. Japanese subjects shall be permitted in the region of South Manchuria to lease or buy land necessary for erecting buildings of various kinds for commercial and industrial uses or for agricultural purposes.

Article 3. Japanese subjects shall have liberty to enter, travel and reside in the region of South Manchuria and carry on business of various kinds, commercial, and industrial and otherwise.

The fourth article, referring to the preceding two provisions, says that Japanese subjects shall produce before the Chinese local authorities passports duly issued and registered by the said authorities. They shall also observe Chinese police laws or regulations approved by the Japanese consuls and pay to the Chinese authorities taxes approved by the Japanese consuls. In civil, original suits the Japanese consul, where a Japanese subject is defendant, and a Chinese official, where a Chinese is defendant, shall respectively try and decide the case, both the Japanese consul and the Chinese official being permitted each to send an authorized agent to attend the trial and watch proceedings, provided that in a civil suit concerning land between Japanese and Chinese the case shall be examined and decided jointly by the Japanese consul and a Chinese official according to the laws and local customs of China, provided further that in future when the judicial system in the said region shall be completely reformed all civil and criminal suits involving Japanese subjects shall be wholly tried and decided by Chinese courts.

Proposals relating to Eastern Inner Mongolia:—

The first article demands that China shall permit joint enterprises of Japanese and Chinese in agricultural and auxiliary industries, the second that China shall consult Japan first in case China contemplates contracting either railway loans or loans secured by taxes, and the third that China shall increase the number of open marts.

Group III. As regards the Hanyehping Company the Chinese Government shall engage to approve of an agreement that may be concluded in future between the company and Japanese capitalists for a joint undertaking, and agrees not to confiscate it nor to nationalize it without the consent of interested Japanese capitalists and not to permit it to contract any foreign loan with other than Japanese.

[Page 155]

Group IV. As regards the non-alienation of Chinese coasts, the Japanese Government will be satisfied with the declaration as suggested by the Chinese Government.

Group V. As to the other points the following shall be kept on record:

  • Article 1. That the Chinese Government will in case of necessity in future employ Japanese advisers.
  • Article 2. In case Japanese subjects desire to lease or purchase land for the purpose of building schools or hospitals in the interior, the Chinese Government will permit them to do so.
  • Article 3. The Chinese Government will some day in the future send military officers to Japan in order to make arrangements directly with the Japanese military authorities either for the purchase of arms from Japan or for establishing an arsenal [arsenals?] in China under Sino-Japanese management.
  • Article 4. The Chinese Government will grant Japan her desired railway concession in South China in case it becomes clear that there is no objection in this respect on the part of any other Power, or that the Chinese Government will refrain from entering into any agreement with any other party concerning the railway lines in question until Japan may, independently of the present negotiations with China, reach an agreement with the party whose interests, in the opinion of the Chinese Government, are opposed to the proposed lines.
  • Article 5. The question of freedom for preaching by Japanese missionaries will be left over for future discussion.

The proposal for joint administration of police is withdrawn.

As to Fukien Province the Chinese Government must engage in some form that they will not grant to any other Power the right to build a shipyard, coaling or naval stations, or any other military establishment on or along the coast of Fukien Province, and further, that the Chinese (government will not allow any such establishment to be built with any foreign capital on the coast of the said province.

At the same time as the presentation of the revised draft, the Japanese Government declared to the Chinese Government that if, at any peace conference upon the conclusion of the present war, Japan should be given the free disposal of Kiaochow which she acquired at enormous sacrifice, she would return it to China subject to certain conditions, of which the principal ones were as follows:

The opening of Kiaochow Bay as a commercial port.

The establishment of a Japanese concession in a locality designated by the Japanese.

This establishment, if required by the Powers, of an international settlement and arrangements between the Japanese and Chinese Governments regarding the disposal of the German public structures and properties.

Germany having after many years labor and heavy expenditure of money converted Kiaochow into an important military and commercial port, as the basis of her expansion in the East, German influence in this part of China grew with the development of Kiaochow and became so firmly established that it was utterly hopeless for China, singlehanded, to regain possession of the leased territory. Japan desiring to remove this source of danger, which might in future again disturb the peace of the Far East, captured it at no small cost of life and money, and now that it is in her hands, she is almost at liberty to dispose of it at will. She is certainly under no obligation to return it to China, but she offered of her own will to return Kiaochow because she was anxious to promote friendly relations with China and to maintain the general peace of the Far East. The Chinese Government have, however, failed to reciprocate Japan’s sentiment of accommodation and conciliation, and on May 1, presented a counter-draft which they declared to be their final answer.

In this counter-draft, the Chinese Government recognize with regard to South Manchuria the right of residence, trade and leasing land by Japanese subjects in the interior, but refuse to grant long leases.

The Chinese Government also demand that Japanese subjects shall submit to Chinese police laws and regulations, be liable to the same taxes and duties as Chinese, and all actions arising out of land disputes, whether between Japanese and Chinese, or between Japanese themselves, shall come under the jurisdiction of Chinese courts.

[Page 156]

As regards Eastern Inner Mongolia, they put limitations on the extent of that region and refuse to permit the main point of the Japanese demand, which is the joint enterprise of Japanese and Chinese in agriculture and auxiliary industries.

Further they demand at the same time the unconditional surrender of the leased territory at Kiaochow, and the recognition of the right of the Chinese Government to participate in the coming peace negotiations between Japan and Germany.

Indemnification by Japan for all losses suffered by China in consequence of the Japan-German war.

The immediate removal of various military establishments of the Japanese army and the prompt evacuation of occupied territory.

They also refuse all the proposals contained in Group V of the Japanese amended project except that relating to Fukien. In this counter-draft the Chinese Government, still further in disregard of responsible statements made by their representatives at the conferences, revived in some cases articles which had already been withdrawn and in others made alterations in matters which were agreed to. Moreover, they make demands to which it is clearly impossible for Japan to accede, such as those for the unconditional surrender of Kiaochow and indemnification for losses incurred through the Japan-German war.

Furthermore, the Chinese Government declare that their counter-draft formulates their final decision. Accordingly, so long as Japan refuses to accede to these demands, whatever agreement may have been arrived at on other points must ultimately be abortive and the terms offered by China prove illusory. The Japanese Government deeply regret to perceive from the attitude of the Chinese Government that it is no longer any use to continue the present negotiations. Nevertheless, being desirous, with a view to the maintenance of peace in the Far East, to make every effort to bring the negotiations to a satisfactory conclusion and thus to avoid complications in the situation, the Japanese Government, taking fully into account the wishes of the Chinese Government, decided with great forbearance, to leave out of the present negotiations and reserve for future discussion all items specified in Group V of the amended draft, except that relating to Fukien, about which an agreement has been reached.

The Japanese Government instructed their Minister at Peking on May 6 that in conveying this decision to the Chinese Government he should earnestly advise them to give due regard to Japan’s sentiment of accommodation and conciliation and express after careful consideration their assent without delay to the Japanese amended draft; and at the same time announce that the Japanese Government expect from the Chinese Government a satisfactory response to this advice not later than 6 p.m. on May 9.

  1. Printed as an inclosure to note of July 6 from the Chinese Minister, post, p. 187; see also inclosure to dispatch, dated June 8, 1915, from the American Chargé d’Affaires at Tokyo, p. 163, post.
  2. Printed as an inclosure to the note of July 6 from the Chinese Minister, p. 190
  3. Printed as an inclosure to note of July 6 from the Chinese Minister, post, p. 187; see also inclosure to dispatch, dated June 8, 1915, from the American Chargé d’Affaires at Tokyo, p. 163, post.
  4. Printed as an inclosure to note of July 6 from the Chinese Minister, post, p. 187; see also inclosure to dispatch, dated June 8, 1915, from the American Chargé d’Affaires at Tokyo, p. 163, post.
  5. Printed as an inclosure to note of July 6 from the Chinese Minister, post, p. 187; see also inclosure to dispatch, dated June 8, 1915, from the American Chargé d’Affaires at Tokyo, p. 163, post.
  6. Printed as an inclosure to note of July 6 from the Chinese Minister, post, p. 187; see also inclosure to dispatch, dated June 8, 1915, from the American Chargé d’Affaires at Tokyo, p. 163, post.
  7. The text of the Japanese statement, as circulated in China by Reuter’s Telegraph Agency, is printed as inclosure 3.
  8. Printed as an inclosure to the note of July 6 from the Chinese Minister, p. 190
  9. Inclosure 1.
  10. In closure 2.
  11. Not printed.