File No. 812.512/899.
Mr. Parker, representing American interests in Mexico, to the Secretary of State.
155. Representatives of the International Association and of the International Mining Association of Mexico have requested me to send the following telegram to the Department:
Americans interested in mines are greatly concerned over the increased mine taxes due this month and especially over the requirements of payment in gold coin, worth now seven times paper currency of enforced circulation. Many individuals and companies of modest resources must let their properties be forfeited for nonpayment; others must apply to taxes funds provided for working [Page 952] their propreties. Only rich producing companies can afford this outlay. All agree on the injustice of tax increase during times of sufficient [insufficient?] protection, general paralysis of mining operations, interrupted transportation facilities, and, in many cases, impossibility of getting access to the mines. Americans request that renewed representations be made by Washington to Carranza looking to effectual relief until normal conditions return.