File No. 812.512/745.
Monterey, August 4, 1915—1 p.m.
At request of mine owners of this part of Mexico, I send following:
Meeting of mine owners both foreigners and Mexicans held this day in Consulate declare impossible to pay mine tax in conformity with Carranza decree of March 1. Enforcement of this decree would be equivalent to absolute loss of their properties. Although Secretary Lansing’s telegram July 28, states mining taxes are to be collected at old rate, the tax collector in Monterey is demanding payment in gold at the increased rate according to March decree. In view of fact that he has not yet received instructions to accept payment either in gold or Constitutionalist money at old rate, we the mine owners ask that old rate be restored and Constitutionalist money, the only money in circulation, be accepted in payment. Conditions of country are such that but few mines can be worked and they are paying increased export taxes of 100 per cent on silver, over 200 per cent on gold, besides newly created export taxes on lead and zinc.