File No. 812.63/63.
Mr. Sidney Smith to
the Secretary of State.
Fort Worth, Texas,
April 15, 1915.
Dear Sir: I desire to call the attention of
the State Department to an order issued by V. Carranza, First Chief
[etc.] with reference to a tax attempted to be levied and enforced
against mining properties in Mexico.
[Page 900]
I represent the American Consolidated Mining and Milling Company, a
corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Oklahoma,
and am attaching hereto a copy of the order above referred to, which, if
carried into effect, will mean the absolute confiscation of all of the
property of the company I represent in the State of Oaxaca in the
Republic of Mexico.
Our company owns 338 pertenencias, in perfecting our title to which we
have been out a large sum of money from which we have had but very
little returns; and an attempt on the part of the Revolutionary
Government of Mexico to enforce the attached order against us at this
time would render it impossible for our company to meet the demands of
the Government, and would result in the absolute confiscation of our
holdings. I would therefore respectfully request that the State
Department’s representatives in Mexico be advised by your Department to
interpose its protest against the unreasonable and unjust attempt to
deprive us of the use or benefit of our property by the enforcement of
the attached order.
Respectfully submitted,
Mining decree issued by Carranza at Vera Cruz,
March 1, 1915.
I, Venustiano Carranza, First Chief of the Constitutionalist Army, in
charge of the Executive Power of the Nation and Chief of the
Revolution, by virtue of the extraordinary powers wherewith I am
invested, have found it proper to decree the following:
- Article 1. Articles 2, 5, 9, and 10 of the Law of March
25, 1905, relating to stamp taxes and mining franchise taxes
are hereby amended to read as follows:
- Article 2. Ores produced in the Republic or
proceeding from a foreign country are subject to an
internal stamp tax, with no exceptions other than
those expressly made by this law. Said tax will be
imposed in the future as follows:
- A.
- Metals exported in the form of mineral rock
or earth, cyanided or sulphurated, residuum of
smelters, or in any other form in which they may
be combined or mixed with other substances which
are not metals, properly speaking, as follows:
- Gold: At the rate of one hundred and ten
pesos ($110) a kilogram.
- Silver: At the rate of two pesos, sixty
centavos ($2.60) a kilogram.
- Copper: At the rate of three and one-half
centavos ($0.03½) a kilogram.
- Lead: At the rate of six centavos ($0.06)
per ten kilograms.
- Zinc: At the rate of five centavos ($0.05)
per ten kilograms.
- B.
- For metals which may be treated or smelted
in the country to the extent that they are not
alloyed or mixed with other metals, whatever may
be the assay of the product, the imposts fixed in
the preceding paragraph shall be reduced by
- Article 5. No tax will be imposed, etc.
G. Nor will taxes be imposed upon copper when
the minerals contain the said metal in the
proportion of less than three per cent (3%); on
lead when they contain it in proportion of less
than ten per cent (10%); nor on zinc when they
contain it in proportion of less than fifteen per
cent (15%).
- Article 9. The special stamp tax, which, according
to the laws in force, must be fixed on titles of
ownership of mines, will be ten pesos ($10) for each
pertenencia protected by said titles, whatever may
be the mineral substances that it is intended to
- Article 10. The annual tax on ownership of mines
shall be imposed in the following terms:
- A.
- The quota will be twelve pesos ($12)
annually for a mining pertenencia, or four pesos
($4) for each third of the year, whatever may be
the substances which may be exploited.
- B.
- If the number of pertenencias of a mining
property or of different mining properties
belonging to the same owner and situated in the
same mining district shall exceed ten
pertenencias, the quota of taxes will be imposed
at the rate of twelve pesos ($12) for the first
ten pertenencias, and for the excess up to twenty
at the rate of fifteen pesos ($15); for the excess
from twenty to fifty the quota will be eighteen
pesos ($18); and from fifty-one on at the rate of
twenty-four pesos ($24).
- Article 2. Article 3 of the said Law of March 25, 1905, is
hereby repealed.
- Article 3. All sums which the Treasury must receive in
conformity with the present decree and the said Law of March
25, 1905, must be paid exclusively in national gold
[Page 901]
- Transitory Article 1. This decree will take effect on the date
- Transitory Article 2. For mining properties which may have
pending the payment of taxes, and in respect to which no
forfeiture has been declared, a period is hereby granted until
June 30, 1915, within which to pay in gold the amounts due in
conformity with the quotas herein specified.
Done at Vera
Cruz, March 1, 1915.
V. Carranza.