File No. 812.6363/171.

Vice Consul Bevan to the Secretary of State.

No. 1355.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of a decree and its translation stating that all construction work erected on the federal zone without government permission will be confiscated by the Government; also a copy of a notice published in the Tampico newspaper to all the companies occupying the federal zone to present within a period of three days the documents that cover their permits to occupy said zone.

The federal zone is a strip of land twenty meters in-shore from the high-water mark; it extends as far inland as the tide. The permits for construction of wharves and buildings on the federal zone obtained during the Huerta administration are not recognized as legitimate by the present de facto Government, Besides, on account of the political unrest and the impossibility to get in touch [Page 878] with persons authorized to give such permits, a number of the oil companies have erected buildings on this zone without special permits, with a view to obtaining them as soon as conditions settled. Such buildings were absolutely necessary and erected without permits because there was no Government representative in Tampico, and the telegraphic and railroad communication with Mexico City was cut.

If the dictates of this decree are carried out, all of the oil companies will be considerably damaged. * * * All action in regard to this decree is being held in abeyance while the companies are getting together what permits they have for use of the federal zone. * * *

I have [etc.]

Thomas H. Bevan.
[Inclosure 1—Translation.]

Decree of January 29, 1915.

Venustiano Carranza, First Chief of the Constitutionalist Army, in charge of the Executive Power of the Nation, and Chief of the Revolution, using the extraordinary faculties with which I am invested, and

Considering that on the lands of Federal jurisdiction in the maritime zones and on the banks of the rivers and, in general, on all lands belonging to the nation, there exist constructions and diverse works are exploited without concessions, contracts or legitimate privileges;

That, according to the provisions of the civil legislation of the Federal District, all works constructed on lands of the public domain without due authorization are the property of the nation by right of accession;

That even though contracts, concessions or permissions exist, they have almost invariably been based upon favoritism or lucre, without the nation deriving the benefit to which it has right;

That although in some cases the law allows the Secretary of Hacienda to grant permits or concessions for transient occupation of the federal zones, these should be a mere exception which will in no manner obstruct the common use of the common property; and

That the concessions made up to this date, especially in proximity to ports, have been granted in such number and with such lack of judgment that they have come to be true monopolies in some cases or, in other cases, extensive invasions of the federal zones for the benefit of individuals; whereby it becomes necessary not only to reestablish the public dominion over such property where the construction or occupation lack permission but also to revise the legitimately existing concessions and to take up such permits as do not have the necessary requisites and constitute advantages to individuals to the detriment of the common use—

I have seen fit to decree the following:

Article 1. From the date of this decree all works or constructions existing on lands of Federal jurisdiction without due and lawful authorization pass to the jurisdiction of the nation.

Article 2. The Secretary of Hacienda and Public Credit will at once prepare to take possession of the unauthorized works and will decide, in each case, whether the work is to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of.

Article 3. The contracts, permits or concessions considered by their possessors to be lawful will be subject to revision and revalidation by the Secretary of Hacienda and Public Credit, to whom the interested parties should apply within three months from the date of this decree. In territory not now occupied by troops under orders from this office, the said term of three months will be counted from the date on which such territory is occupied by troops of the Constitutionalist Army.

Article 4. The revalidation mentioned in Article 3 will not be conceded in cases where the said Secretary, on account of public utility, considers necessary the vacation of the premises or the expropriation of the works existing thereon.

V. Carranza.

[Page 879]
[Inclosure 2—Translation.]


“Victorio E. Góngora, Inspector of Ports, makes known to all those whom it may concern that from this date they should apply exclusively to the Inspection Office of the First District, in his charge, in regard to all matters pertaining to permits for occupation, concessions and constructions in the Federal Zone, either maritime or fluvial, in order that such applications may be forwarded through him to the office of the Secretary of Communications and Public Works.

He furthermore makes known to all those now occupying any part of the Federal Zone that they must present, within three days counted from the first of February, the documents that cover their permits of occupation.

The office is temporarily situated in the National Telegraph building.

Office hours are from 8 a.m. to 12 m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.