File No. 312.11/7108.


M–3241. Following telegram received from Cajeme:

Americans at Ontagota ordered out by local military commander on account his troops having deserted and refused to fight Indians. San Pedro and Cajeme ranches have been taken. When we left Ontagota, block 33 and 36 were fighting to hold out for help and help is needed quick.

Later telegram from Esperanza at 8.30 p.m. relates:

Yaqui Indians, estimated by military authorities on the ground at fifteen hundred, have attacked and taken San Pedro and Cajeme, 33, Ontagota and neighboring ranches; all of these places have been abandoned by soldiers and civilians. Reenforcements amounting to four hundred sixty have just left here. Military authorities advise that there still remain here and at Cojorit about four hundred with four hundred additional at Corral. American ranches at 66 and 90 are completely isolated.

I had conference with General Obregon and he directed General Madrigal to leave with small body of troops early this evening and upon arrival in Valley to take charge of operations. Another train with larger number of troops under General Estrada is being made up to leave in a few hours. Other troops have left Naco and Alameda on the way south.
