File No. 312.11/7110.

Consul Simpich to the Secretary of State.


Detailed telegrams from superintendent Richardson Construction Company in Yaqui Valley, report new Indian outbreak. I sent following to Obregon at Guaymas this morning:

After recent exchange of telegrams concerning continued Yaqui raids on American settlers in that Valley, and having in mind your recent generous assurances that General Estrada with ample troops had moved from Guaymas to garrison the Valley, it is today learned with dismay and alarm that hundreds of savages have again invaded the Valley and that looting and fighting is now going on. This news is causing my Government the gravest concern and on its behalf I am constrained to insist politely but with the most absolute emphasis that immediate effective action be taken by the de facto Government to drive these Indians out of the American settlements and keep them out. It is useless to point out, I am sure, that the Government of Mexico owes to Americans in its territory the same measure of protection to life and property which the American Government owes, and is giving to, Mexicans and their property in California, Arizona, etc. For the information of my Government, I respectfully and courteously ask that you please telegraph me what steps are being taken to give adequate, continuous and permanent protection to American interests in the Yaqui Valley.

It is noted with disappointment that although Obregon has thousands of unemployed soldiers in Sonora, within striking distance of the Yaqui Valley, and notwithstanding his fulsome assurances and the ample time he has had in which to act, he has failed to put and keep enough troops in the Valley to hold back the Indians.

Respectfully recommend that vigorous representations be made direct to Carranza, as Obregon may be playing politics here.
