File No. 312.11/7063.

Consul Alger to the Secretary of State.

No. 698.]

Sir: I have the honor to enclose copies of messages and replies to same regarding the sacking of Los Mochis, Sinaloa; the fleeing of the American colony to Topolobampo; and the request for protection.

I have [etc.]

Wm. E. Alger.
[Page 849]
[Inclosure 1—Telegram.]


[The same as Inclosure 1 with Mr. Alger’s No. 697 of November 19, supra.]

[Inclosure 2—Telegram.]


[The same as Inclosure 2 with Mr. Alger’s No. 697.]

[Inclosure 3—Telegram.]

General Muñoz to Consul Alger.

Referring to your attentive message of even date [Inclosure 1], allow me to inform you, that at all times every guaranty has been afforded the Americans at Los Mochis. The carrying out of operations has caused the temporary retiring of forces from that vicinity, where practically no protection was needed from us. For some time some Americans ably aided by the Company have been in accord with the Indians, their imprudence even going so far as to bring in on various occasions arms and ammunition, as is proven by original documents in my possession. Although they themselves have brought about the evils from which they are now suffering, you must admit the serious injury we are compelled to suffer by such acts, for, in addition to the lives of brave soldiers who have been killed, there have also been lost those of honorable laborers who have worked for the welfare of the same company, repaying thus, not only the guaranties that have always been given them but also the hospitality and riches which our country has bestowed on them.

Notwithstanding the foregoing I am disposed to grant them every protection that is without prejudice to exemplary punishment of those who have infamously exploited the lives of our brothers.

By wire I am giving most urgent orders to General. Nájera to give the necessary protection to the Cocoyolitas Ranch, asking you to continue informing regarding same. I am resolved to give all and every protection.


M. Muñoz.
[Inclosure 4—Telegram.]

General Muñoz to Consul Alger.

I have received information that the Commander of the American war vessel Annapolis, at anchor in the bay of Topolobampo, has landed armed men on Mexican soil without permission of the respective authorities, and after sending them to Los Mochis they took advantage of the circumstances to insult the force of Hernandez that I have at Topolobampo for the protection of the lives and interests, not only of Mexicans, but also of foreigners in that section.

I energetically protest against these acts and I consider it highly unlawful and against the national dignity, and I advise you that forces operating in that region, in case they meet with armed men not belonging to the Constitutional Mexican Army will meet with the same fate as enemies, for we will not permit foreign soldiers to enter with arms Mexican territory without previous consent of our superiors. The city of Topolobampo, justly indignant, has energetically protested against acts mentioned and the Mexican Government will not be responsible if an outbreak takes place between Mexican and foreigners at that place. I ask you to do all in your power to avoid a repetition of landing of armed men from the Annapolis.


M. Muñoz.
[Page 850]
[Inclosure 5—Telegram.]

Consul Alger to General Muñoz.

Commander of Annapolis advises me that up to now not one single armed man has been landed on Mexican soil from the Annapolis. He also assures me he has no knowledge of any insult to Hernandez. American citizens on shore are carrying arms for their protection, this on account of lack of protection from Mexican authorities. I again request that you take measures to protect lives of Americans at Topolobampo.
