File No. 812.001H87/11.
The Confidential Agent of the Provisional (Conventionist) Government of Mexico to the Secretary of State.
Excellency: The undersigned, Confidential Agent of the Provisional Government of Mexico, presents his respectful compliments to his excellency, William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State of the United States, and begs to invite attention to the current report that General Victoriano Huerta is about to land from the Spanish steamer Antonio Lopez at the port of New York.
The career of General Huerta in Mexico is too well known to Mr. Bryan to require any exposition on the part of the undersigned, who, however, has the honor to state that, in view of the present activities of the supporters and adherents of Huerta in the American border states, the Provisional Government would view with grave concern the initiation by him, within their jurisdiction, of a movement intended to provoke further armed resistance to the efforts of that Government to restore a régime of law and order throughout the Republic.
Confident that the policy of the United States will ever tend towards relieving his Government from the apprehension which it might justly feel under the circumstances narrated, the undersigned avails [etc.]