File No. 793.94/258.
The Secretary of State to Ambassador Guthrie.
Washington, March 26, 1915—3 p.m.
Your interview with the Foreign Office and an oral communication from Ambassador Chinda of the same purport, taken together, throw a new light upon part of the situation and furnish an explanation of [Page 117] some matters which it has been difficult for us to understand. It is evident that the Japanese Government has regarded the suggestion made by Mr. Hay in regard to a naval coaling station as evidence of a continuing desire upon the part of the United States to secure a concession on the coast of Fukien, whereas this Government has no such purpose or desire. This Government regrets that any such apprehensions as are expressed should have been entertained by the Japanese Government, and finds pleasure in relieving their minds on the subject.
You are, therefore, authorized to inform the Government that this Government will view without the slightest objection any arrangement which Japan may make with China looking toward the withholding of any concession to any foreign Power which contemplates the improvement of any harbor on the coast of Fukien or the establishment of a coaling station or naval base along said coast by any foreign Power. Such an agreement entered into between Japan and China, and approved by the United States in an exchange of notes, would put an end to any speculation that may have been indulged, or fears that may have been entertained in regard to this nation’s desires or intentions. As Japan’s desire to be consulted in regard to concessions granted to Fukien was based upon her wish to prevent the development of any foreign influence on the coast of Fukien we may assume that this fear being removed she will not feel it necessary to insist upon any special advantage in regard to the development of the interior of Fukien. In fact, this is intimated in both your despatch and the communication made by Ambassador Chinda.
If the Japanese Government has any uneasiness as to the development of the interior of Fukien you might inquire whether it would not be advisable to propose that no railroad concession be granted to any foreign Power, with the understanding that the Chinese Government shall, itself, build, own and operate any railroads that may be deemed necessary for the development of Fukien, such railroads, if built with borrowed money, not to be mortgaged or in any way pledged to the creditors.