File No. 793.94/266.
Peking, March 24, 1915—midnight.
At yesterday’s conference articles relating to preference in the matter of railways, local loans, and advisers in South Manchuria were initialed; also article providing for recasting of Kirin Railway contract in sense favorable to Japan. Open door in [Opening of ?] seventeen treaty ports was not spoken of but proposal of Chinese to allow residence in interior on condition of special registry, payment of local taxes and submission to police authority with special tribunals for the trial of mixed cases was communicated by Japanese Minister to his Government for instructions. All of this [relates?] only to South Manchuria, Japanese Minister reserving action on Mongolia for future.
While the character of the negotiations is now less peremptory than hitherto, the Chinese are in doubt whether the Japanese any longer treat diplomatic negotiations seriously or whether burden of action has been shifted to the military side.
The Consul at Tsingtau reports extensive military preparations. Consul General at Mukden reports virtual doubling of Japanese forces in the railway zone. Consul at Antung reports transport of troops under cover of night. Troops at Tsinanfu now sixteen hundred. Ordinary traffic on the Shantung railway stopped in favor of military transport.
On Sunday the Chinese Government asked an explanation of the troop movements but to date no reply has been received.