File No. 812.00/15956.

The Secretary of State to Special Agent Silliman.


Following message August 27, just received from American military commander on Texas border:

Mexican armed parties on Mexican side have fired on detachments United States troops every day since last Sunday. With exception of firing at international bridge Brownsville, all other incidents of firing across river have occurred at Orin vicinity of Progreso Ferry opposite Mercedes, at which point Mexicans are entrenched firing American side. Casualties so far have been one soldier killed, one officer badly wounded, 3 soldiers wounded, 2 horses killed. Officer in command in Brownsville district reports this date he is convinced Carrancista soldiers are taking part disorders on border and that Carrancista commander of district of Matamoros either cannot or does not desire to control his men. Carrancista commander Matamoros could easily stop these outrages if he so desired. I fear that if something is not done to prevent our soldiers being fired on from Mexican side, serious international consequences may result. Mexican armed bands continue to cross river at various points going into interior, robbing and terrorizing American citizens. Carrancista commander Matamoros has taken pains to leave impression that these bands are deserters from his forces. It is noticed, however, that when pursued, they cross river and rejoin their commands. Situation appears to be gradually growing worse and unrest is extending all along border up to and including Del Rio.

You are instructed immediately to bring this situation to attention General Carranza, and urge him to take immediate action to prevent further firing across border, pointing out to him that this matter is so grave that it might easily lead to most serious consequences.
