File No. 812.00/16973.
Collector Cobb to the Secretary of State.
Sylvestre Terrazas and Generals Roberto Limon, Manuel E. Banda and G. Andalon, conferred with Carranza Consul Andrés C. Garcia here today. They represented Villistas army, and Garcia acted with authority from both Carranza and Obregon. It was agreed that amnesty be granted all Villa forces and that all Villa forces should declare allegiance to de facto Government. Parties to resume [Page 779] conference tomorrow to sign documents to above effect. They did not ask amnesty for General Villa, who is expected to quit Mexico although [no] agreement made to this effect. They will confer with Villa by telegraph tonight. All Villa forces expected to turn over promptly. In meantime Villa forces will not fight. Consul Garcia is handling negotiations splendidly.