File No. 812.00/16533.

The Confidential Agent of the de facto Government of Mexico to the Secretary of State.

Mr. Secretary: It affords me great pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note, dated today, apprising me that His Excellency the President of the United States has seen fit to extend recognition to the de facto Government of Mexico, of which Mr. Venustiano Carranza is the Chief Executive, and that your Government will be pleased to receive formally in Washington a diplomatic representative of my Government; and that, reciprocally, the Government of the United States will accredit to the de facto Government of Mexico, a diplomatic representative as soon as His Excellency the President has had an opportunity to designate such representative.

Complying with your excellency’s wishes, I have immediately transmitted the contents of your note under acknowledgment to Mr. Venustiano Carranza.

[I avail etc.]

E. Arredondo.