File No. 812.00/13431a.

The Secretary of State to the Brazilian Minister to Mexico.


281. Please deliver to Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs Fabela the following message from Vice Consul Silliman:

Washington, October 7, 1914, 5 p.m.

Arriving here I learn that your reply of October 5 through the Brazilian Minister to the Department’s telegram of September 22 regarding the Department’s [Page 610] wishes respecting guaranties for Vera Cruz is not considered sufficiently explicit. The Department is informed that there is apprehension as to the possibility of duplicate or additional collections of customs charges and other contributions apart from those already paid to the American authorities on the same accounts. The Department is also informed that lists of persons are being made who are assumed to be offensive to the Constitutionalist authorities. These lists are said to include names of Mexican citizens who have been in the employ of the Amercan authorities in various capacities and whose interests are threatened upon the retirement of the American troops. The Department trusts that this information is incorrect and the fears unfounded; but in order that there may be no possible misunderstanding and no unnecessary delay in the withdrawal of the American troops, the Department greatly desires immediately a clear, explicit and public statement from General Carranza that in all cases where customs charges and other contributions have been paid to American authorities the receipt for such payment will exempt the holder from any repetition of the same charges and that full guaranties will be given to all persons excepting those guilty of crime, with the understanding that the acceptance of employment under the American authorities by Mexican citizens since the occupation of Vera Cruz shall not be construed as criminal or otherwise prejudicial, the provisions of any law to the contrary notwithstanding. I respectfully urge that you make immediate reply conceding the Department’s desire.

