File No. 812.00/13377.
Vice Consul Silliman
to the Secretary of State.
Mexico City,
September 23, 1914.
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith
copy of my communication to General Carranza regarding the President’s
decision to withdrawn the American troops from Vera Cruz, and also a
copy of General Carranza’s reply to the communication referred to. I
have [etc.]
[Inclosure 1.]
Vice Consul Silliman to General Carranza.
Mexico City,
September 16, 1914.
Excellency: I have the honor and great
pleasure to inform your excellency of the receipt by his excellency
the Minister of Brazil of the following communication:
Washington, September 15, 1914.
Brazilian Minister: Please deliver
the following message to Vice Consul Silliman.
“Please say to General Carranza that the President is
arranging to withdraw the American troops from Vera Cruz and
desires that some responsible authority be named to whom the
custom house may be turned over; also officials to whom
authority in the city may be delivered. Inquire whether it
is within the power of the Federal authorities to designate
the officials or whether it is desired that the American
Commanding Officer shall select eligible residents of Vera
Cruz to exercise authority until the ordinary processes can
be utilized.
Awaiting your excellency’s reply in order that I may duly convey it
to the Department of State of the United States,
I have [etc.]
[Inclosure 2—Translation.]
General Carranza
to Vice Consul Silliman.
National Palace,
September 17, 1914.
Sir: I acknowledge receipt of the note
from Mr. Bryan, Secretary of State of the United States of the
North, received by you through his excellency the Minister of
Brazil, by which I am informed that the President of the American
Union, His Excellency Mr. Woodrow Wilson, is arranging for the
evacuation by the American troops of the port of Vera Cruz, and that
it is desired that competent authorities be named to take charge of
the customhouse and of the several branches of the local government.
I have the honor to reply to this note through yourself in the
following terms:
Please say to Mr. Bryan, Secretary of State of the American Union, in
order that he may call it to the attention of His Excellency the
President of the
[Page 605]
States of the North, that this Government has decided to appoint
General Cándido Aguilar, Governor of the State of Vera Cruz, to
receive the port of Vera Cruz, which is now de facto occupied by
forces of the United States of America, and also to name the Federal
and local authorities who will take charge of the public
administration of the port.
The Government in my charge views with satisfaction the act of His
Excellency the President of the United States of America in
delivering the place that has been temporarily occupied because of
the lamentable incident arising between officials of General Huerta
and marines of the American Union.
Accept [etc.]