File No. 812.00/13116.
Special Agent Fuller to the Secretary of State.
I had an interview with Carranza this morning. He disclaims any intention of prolonging the interim government or using it as a step to dictatorial power; realizes the circumscribed sphere of action of a revolutionary régime; and has just issued a call for a convention of governors and generals for October 1, in accordance with the plans of Guadalupe and Torreon, to provide for organization of permanent government.
Zapata adjustment paralyzed by refusal of Zapata to have personal conference with Carranza except at Zapata’s remote headquarters. It would be well to have a message from the President sent direct to Zapata without delay, informing him that he should immediately confer with Carranza at some place more suitable, and that his refusal must precipitate armed collision which it is his patriotic duty to avoid. Such a message might be sent to Silliman for personal delivery.