File No. 839.00/1102.


After serious deliberation in which commission to Cibao stated that no agreement with Arias was possible upon any honest proceeding Dominican Cabinet tonight voted to no longer submit to his domination. This decision was predicated by General Receiver’s emphatic protest that the governors of the north were either unwilling or unable to prevent the wholesale smuggling resulting in heavy losses in customs receipts and general depreciation in business. Government responds by removing governors of Monte Christi, Puerto Plata, Santiago, Seibo, and La Vega. Governor of La Vega will be sent to Monte Christi. Governors of first four places are Arias’s men. Vick has evidence against Franco, Governor of Santiago. Provisional Government asks that I transmit their urgent appeal for funds so long promised to pay back salaries. If you can pay these salaries the situation remains in our hands while delayed financial relief emboldens the bush element. Provisional Government points out that course decided upon is the only one which promises maintenance of law and order, for an election held under irresponsible governors, heeding only the commands of Arias, would be worse than a farce. Otherwise Government notwithstanding custom frauds could temporize with these men. To hesitate longer under all the circumstances would invite anarchy. I recommend support of this Government to the end that we establish eventually three fundamental reforms, namely: first, collection of all governmental revenues by the Receivership; second, the entire control of public works; third, establishment of a financial expert. The last of these reforms is conceded and the other two are promised and I believe the Bordas party if maintained in power will fulfill all their promises to us. Once again and more urgently than on other occasions I ask the Department for instant action that its policy may prevail.
