File No. 839.00/1101.


Bordas has published April 1 and 2 as election days for Presidency, twelve members of Lower House and four [omission in transmission]. Constitutional Convention’s failure to act compels procedure under old law unless meantime convention furnishes new one. Bordas will volunteer safeguards at polls in harmony with reforms suggested even should no provision by law be made for such or nothing in present law prohibit this course. Government says that elections cannot be deferred longer without violating Constitution. Caceres’ term ends June 3 [30]; new President must be voted for in primary elections three months previous. The only question raised is whether a Provisional President will be named to succeed Bordas for the period between April 13th and inauguration of the President-elect. Best legal opinion is that Bordas will complete Caceres’ term of June 3 [30], Little likelihood of contest on this point. In [Page 218] any event the election will be practically decided in the primaries before April 13th. Will you send observers at once or shall I avail myself of Americans and Porto Ricans in this country.
