File No. 839.00/1077.

The Secretary of State to Minister Sullivan.


Your March 2, 3 p.m. and March 4, 1 a.m. Communicate with President Bordas on board Petrel and inform him that this Department advises him to point out to Arias (1) that the Government of the United States will not permit revolutionary methods to be employed in Santo Domingo, (2) that no money will be paid to him by the Dominican Government unless there is just claim for services actually rendered, (3) that patriotic services rendered to the people are the only bases upon which to seek public honors, (4) and that the influence of the United States Government will be used to reward those who show themselves deserving and will be used against those who attempt to misuse governmental power for personal ambition or private gain, and that (5) the only methods through which public office should be sought are those upon which the Constitutional Assembly is now at work in perfecting. You should further inform Bordas that in his interview with Arias he should assume that Arias is sincerely interested in his country’s welfare and should talk to him as one patriotic citizen would talk to another. This attempt should be made to secure his support before forcible means are resorted to. The Department does not feel even in this emergency that it would be expedient to authorize executive order for negotiation of bonds. Department is now advising with American bankers as to temporary advance of five hundred thousand dollars and proceeds on the assurance that if this advance is arranged that Government will secure approval of Congress to Department’s plan of acquiring funds through negotiation of bonds to produce $1,600,000, before expiration of Bordas’ term.

You may say to the Minister of Foreign Affairs that the funds so advanced will be expended under the supervision of the commercial attaché.
