File No. 839.51/1205.

Minister Sullivan to the Secretary of State.

No. 46.]

Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith a translation of the Dominican Government’s letter whereby that Government pledges itself to place the control of its expenditures under the supervision of the American Legation. As I have pointed out in my cable of January 12, 10 a.m., there will be need, if this plan is adopted, of a commercial attaché who can devote his time to this work. Minister Saviñon has informed me that he at last realizes the value of having an American who can say No when unreasonable demands are made upon him for money. While this state of mind may be created by the dire necessities of the situation, there is no doubt that they are willing to give the power to the Department. That it will be useful in establishing good Government here seems to me to be obvious.

I have [etc.].

James M. Sullivan

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Minister Sullivan.

Sir: With reference to the question that your excellency put to me on the part of your Government, in regard to the manner in which the Dominican Government intends in the future to carry out the budget law, I have the honor to inform your excellency that my Government agrees that the Minister of the United States in Santo Domingo be allowed to control the daily expenses that are made in order to assure himself that they are in accord with the law referred to and so to give witness in respect to the way it is carried out.

I take [etc.].

Eliseo Grullon