File No. 823.00/118.
The Secretary of State to the Peruvian Minister.
Washington, February 21, 1914.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 5th instant in which you advise the Department that you have received a cable despatch from Lima stating that public opinion and the action of the Peruvian army in forcing respect for the constitution had brought about a change in the government; that President Billinghurst had resigned the Presidency; and that the Senate and House of Deputies jointly, by unanimous vote, had entrusted the executive power to a Provisional Junta of Government, the names of the members of which you furnish.
In reply I have the honor to say that the United States Minister at Lima was, on the 12th instant, instructed by telegraph to the effect that, as the Junta created by the Congress was in full exercise of the executive power and as its exercise of such power was freely acquiesced in by the people, he should recognize it as a provisional government pending the establishment of a permanent executive.
Accept [etc.]