File No. 419.11D29/59.
Minister Price to the Secretary of State.
Panama, May 23, 1914.
Your telegram May 18, communicated to Panaman Minister for Foreign Affairs formally and in person and with all emphasis on May 19. His reply verbally was to the effect that Panama could pay a money indemnity but that it could not control decisions of its judicial authorities. No further response has been received. I have had conferences with Colonel Blauvelt, Captain Cocheu, of the Tenth Infantry, Captain Barber of Canal Zone Police and Governor Goethals. All of them feel that juries would not, even if Supreme Court reversed Panama criminal judge, order prosecution of certain policemen, and that for all practical purposes for us except causing the annoyance of trials it would be better to leave record as now made. Governor Goethals after conferring to-day authorizes me to say that he joins me in recommending for the most serious consideration of the Department the taking over of the police force of Panama in the cities of Panama and Colon pursuant to seventh article of the Treaty of 1903 as the most effective means of penalizing in this matter in addition to money indemnity and as the most beneficial way of improving exasperating conditions and as being fully justified. The others mentioned join in same recommendation. Street cleaning and disposition of sewerage in Panama City were taken over a few months since by us under this article of the treaty.