File No. 811.0144/12.

Chargé O’Shaughnessy to the Secretary of State.


753. Referring to your 632, January 29, 5 p.m. I this morning verbally delivered to the Sub-Secretary of Foreign Relations, the Minister being absent, the contents of your cable and endeavored to impress upon him the seriousness of the situation. The Minister of War telegraphed between one and two o’clock to-day to General Quintana in the premises but I do not know the contents of the telegram. My former representations have been in the form of notes to the Foreign Office. The Sub-Secretary of Foreign Relations promised to inform me to-night if the Minister of War receives a reply from General Quintana. I shall at all events be able to report to you in the morning. I fear, however, that in this case as in almost all others I shall have to go to the President to procure action.

Nelson O’Shaughnessy