File No. 312.51/48.


Referring to Department’s telegraphic instructions dated June 26 and to my June 27, 8 a.m., the French Brothers of the Sacred Heart who went to Havana, Cuba, via Brownsville, Texas, were under arrest [Page 869] at Monterey about two hours. It is understood that 500,000 pesos were demanded from them, but it is not believed anyone expected to collect anything from them but that the demand was more of a scare to get them to leave. They were released from prison on promise of leaving the country. The French Consul and this Consulate General rendered them friendly assistance and advice. They were not required to pay any money as far as is known to us and left without further trouble. I had letters from them and they wrote the French Consul from Havana announcing their safe arrival. The school property which they occupied appears to stand in the name of Leopodo Ruise, who was once Archbishop at Monterey. It was sealed up by the French Consul and so far has not been molested. It may be actually French property but I understand the Archbishop was Mexican. I do not think school property will be molested but I can not recommend their returning to Monterey now nor until peace has fully arrived throughout the whole country and until such time as they would be sure of a welcome as now evidently considerable prejudice exists against priests and especially against foreign clergy of the various orders.
