File No. 312.41/113.

Consul Edwards to the Secretary of State.


Department’s telegram February 23. Have called upon authorities here relative to the body of William Benton. All officials now at Juarez, being new men, strangers to all border people, to take witness with me would not bring results. They are afraid of the newspapers and the influence refugees and federal sympathizers on American side. The said new officials seem anxious to assist in the matter but say that Villa had taken with him to Chihauhua all his staff and guards who were acquainted with the Benton affair but that they were confident that the body had been buried as the law only admitted twenty-four hours before interment. They promised that Villa would be immediately communicated with as to the location of the grave. It is my opinion that the body was not embalmed and that no undertaker attended but that the body was buried in a few hours after death by the guards and during the later hours of the night. If Villa will allow the soldiers who know the spot to give the information, I will request Zach Cobb and others to accompany me to view the place and mark the same, if permission is refused by Villa to disinter.
