File No. 312.52/404.
Consul General Hanna to the Secretary of State.
Monterey, August 5, 1914.
Sir: Making reference to exchange of certain telegrams between the Department and this Consulate General relative to the persecution of Spanish subjects and especially persons connected with religious organizations at Zacatecas, I have the honor to quote herein the English translation of a reply from Mr. Fabela, Secretary of Foreign Relations for General Carranza, under the date of August 5th, 1914, which reply says:
Referring to your courteous note of the 17th ult. File 840.4 relative to the executions which were said to have taken place in Zacatecas, and in which mention is made of several Sisters of Santa Teresa, some of them Spanish, who were in hiding in that place, I beg to say that an answer to your note has been made to Mr. Manuel Walls y Merino, Counselor of the [Spanish] Embassy [at Washington] and Sped a: Representative of the Spanish Kingdom near the First Chief of the Constitutionalist Army.
I renew [etc.]
Isidro Fabela.
I have [etc.]