File No. 312.52/212.
The Secretary of State to Special Agent Carothers.
Washington, April 7, 1914.
Your April 7, and that part of your April 6 referring to Spaniards.
Discreetly represent to Carranza that since he plans to go south so soon it is hoped he will foresee the wisdom of securing a suspension of deportation order until he can communicate fully with Villa regarding the inexpediency of wholesale deportation and the advisability of having the investigation committee do its work in Torreon, where accurate evidence would seem to be more naturally obtainable.
Does the history of Chihuahua deportation tend to support your belief that if deportation from Torreon occurs now many Spaniards will after investigation at El Paso be permitted to return to Torreon? How many of the Spaniards deported from Chihuahua have been permitted to return there?