File No. 812.00/11419.

Special Agent Carothers to the Secretary of State.


Spaniards assembled in three buildings in charge of Deputy Consular Agents appointed by Acting Consular Agent Ulmer. On afternoon of 3rd Villa in person accompanied by members of his staff went to place where most of them were and in speech told them that they had assisted Federals morally and by force of arms; that he had proof of many sufficient to justify their execution but that in order that foreign nations, not understanding his motives, might not call him an assassin he would only expel them from Mexico; that the feeling amongst his soldiers was so intense that unless he did so, many of them would be killed if turned loose in streets. I and all the best members of his staff used every means of inducing him to rescind the order but he was unchangeable. The property of some of them will undoubtedly be confiscated. 1 believe all of them will be sent to El Paso and an investigation committee formed and many be permitted to return at once. All other foreigners are receiving every protection and are in no danger whatever. Ulmer is good man in the office and deserves great credit for manner in which he handled matters during battle.

G. C. Carothers