File No. 312.52/127.
The Spanish Ambassador to Counselor Moore.
Washington, January 7, 1914.
My Dear Mr. Counselor: I beg to inform you that I have received a telegram from the Spanish Minister in Mexico, in which he states that Arredonclo, Municipal Chief of Guanacevi, Durango, under orders from Villa is about to confiscate the mine El Desengafio, giving as an excuse and explanation the pretext which has been so often invoked by the Constitutionalists, that the owners of the mine were taking part in Mexican politics.
This mine is the property of two Spanish subjects, Rodriguez Hermanos, two Mexicans, and an American citizen of the name of Francis Knotts, and I should esteem it a great favor if the Department of State would once more interpose its good offices on behalf of my countrymen in order to avoid the looting and the confiscation of their property.
Believe me [etc.]