File No. 893.811/166.
The Secretary of State to Minister Reinsch.
Washington, December 11, 1914.
Sir: Receipt is acknowledged of your despatch No. 424 of October 28, 1914, with enclosures, regarding flood conditions in the Provinces of Kiangsu and Anhui and the need for an immediate loan in order that the proposed conservancy work may be begun.
The substance of your despatch and of the enclosures has been given to the press.
In this connection the Department invites your attention to its No. 197 of November 13, 1914, to you, transmitting two copies of a letter dated November 10, 1914, to the Department from the American Red Cross and two copies of a letter dated October 31, 1914, from the Red Cross to the Chinese Minister here.
Copies of the despatch under acknowledgment and of its enclosures have been sent to the Red Cross for its information.
I am [etc.]