File No. 812.6363/46.

The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: Answering your note of yesterday, I beg to say that I did not add the clause which you suggest, to the effect that “those in control of cities would be relied on not to molest oil operations or property.” I think this had better be done in a different note and independent of the oil wells. If we attempt to secure an agreement in regard to the oil wells, I am afraid we shall meet with delay, and delay is especially dangerous to the wells.

We have a reply from Carothers which is hopeful, and as soon as we get the wells neutralized I shall be glad to take up with you the matter of the protection of all the properties in the cities. But I hope you will, upon reflection, agree with me that the producing wells and pipe lines are of far greater importance than the stored oil, although we are as anxious as you are to prevent the destruction of the stored oil.

I will keep you informed as to the progress of negotiations, and I hope we may be able to reach an early agreement between the two sides.

With assurances of high esteem, [etc.]

W. J. Bryan