File No. 812.6363/35b.

The Secretary of State to Consul Miller.


April 29th at 8 p.m. the Navy Department transmitted to the flag officer of the Arkansas at Vera Cruz a telegram explaining the efforts being made by this Department before Carranza and by the British Ambassador at Washington before General Huerta to secure a neutralization of the oil wells, pipe lines, and territory surrounding them, which are situated in the Tampico district. Secure text of Navy Department’s “instructions from the appropriate naval officer in command in that section. Consult with him and with the British Consul at Tampico as to the most effective way of inducing those in command of the local contending forces to view with favor the proposed neutralization. If after the conference suggested representations [Page 694] can be made without risk of creating new complications, agree upon a method of communicating the text of the telegram to those in charge of the contending forces at Tampico to the end that they may recommend the adoption of the neutralization plan suggested, in case they should be consulted respecting the matter by their superior officers.
