File No. 312.115W31.

The Secretary of State to Consul Miller.


In view of advices that the attacking force (Constitutionalist) has been occupying the Waters-Pierce Refinery, an American industry, and as a result has been drawing fire from Federal gunboats and land forces resulting in the loss of an oil tank and jeopardizing the entire property of this and other foreign holdings, and also endangering additional oil tanks the demolition of which might result in oil flowing into the river, catching fire and thus involving destruction of additional foreign property, including important shipping interests, this Department will request the Secretary of the Navy to instruct the Admiral in command of the Gulf Fleet to confer with you to the end that the leaders of the contending forces may be urged to conduct their military operations in such a manner as to offer the least possible element of danger to foreign interests.

It would seem that instead of either of the contending forces using foreign property as a barracks or means of defense, it would be [Page 669] expedient for those in control of both armies to regard as entirely neutral the sections where foreign properties are located, especially those where oil industries are conducted or oil is stored. Neutralizing these sections should result in surrounding foreign holdings with increased measures of safety and protect them from wanton, useless or revengeful destruction; and this Government cannot believe that such a course will work a detriment or result in disadvantage to either of the contending forces. In addition all leaders should be notified and duly impressed with the fact that any destruction of the properties of these great foreign interests will produce a situation which will be a matter of grave concern to the United States and foreign governments and create a condition raising the question as to what measures this Government should take to secure such protection of the properties described as circumstances may require. Telegraph result of your representations.
