File No. 812.00/14044.

Special Agent Carothers to the Secretary of State.


Yesterday investigated conditions at Naco and held long conference with Maytorena in his camp. He is willing to withdraw five or ten miles away from border but protests against Hill forces enjoying all benefits of an open port which facilitates securing arms ammunition and provisions of all kinds. If the port of Naco were closed he could withdraw with the assurance that Hill could not continue securing [Page 653] munitions and would eventually be compelled to fight his way out or surrender.

After careful consideration I believe the best and most just procedure would be to close the port and Maytorena withdrawing. General Bliss arrived at same conclusion and has outlined it fully to War Department. Maytorena gave strict orders in my presence to his officers not to fire a shot. I believe Scott and Bliss will arrange matter satisfactorily without bloodshed.

G. C. Carothers