File No. 703.3212/18.

The Secretary of State to the Brazilian Ambassador.

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I beg to enclose herewith, for your information and for transmission to your Government, a copy of a [Page 647] telegram dated August 15 from the American Consul General at Monterey, Mexico, transmitting a telegram dated at Teoloyucan, August 13, from the American Vice Consul at Saltillo, Mr. John R. Silliman,82 in which he states that the sole credit for the preparation of the document which was signed on the 13th instant and which resulted in the termination of the civil war in Mexico is due to the Brazilian Minister at Mexico City.

The Consul General adds to this telegram the statement that the Brazilian Minister has been a source of great help to the American Consuls in Mexico.

The Department is greatly pleased to transmit this telegram to you, and to ask that you be good enough to acquaint your Government with the contents thereof; and it requests that you express the sincere thanks of this Government for the excellent work performed by the Brazilian Minister at Mexico City in behalf of Americans and their property during the trying times that American interests in Mexico have been in his efficient hands.

I am [etc.]

W. J. Bryan
  1. The Department’s special representative at Mexico City.