File No. 511. 4A1/918.

Ambassador Reid to the Secretary of State.

No. 1463.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 1426 of the 19th of September last, relative to the proposed International Opium Conference to be held at The Hague, and in further confirmation of my telegram of to-day’s date, I have the honor to transmit herewith duplicate copies of the note received from the foreign office, dated November 3, in which inquiry is made whether steps had been taken to obtain the necessary assurances from the other participating powers regarding their willingness to restrict the manufacture, distribution, and sale of morphia and cocaine, since the British Government made its consent absolutely dependent on these assurances having been first obtained from the Governments concerned.

I have, etc.,

Whitelaw Reid.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Ambassador Reid.

Your Excellency: In the note which you were so good as to address to me on the 4th ultimo with regard to the proposed international opium conference to be held at The Hague, your excellency stated that the Netherlands Government would immediately be informed of His Majesty’s Government’s proposal that before the meeting of the conference there shall have first been made the necessary preliminary studies as to the trade conditions and manufacture of morphine and cocaine in the interested countries and their readiness to impose severe restrictions on such manufacture and trade.

[Page 320]

In the note which I had the honor to address to your excellency on the 17th September I stated that His Majesty’s Government would have pleasure in taking part in an international conference for the purpose of conventionalizing the resolution of the Shanghai commission if satisfactory assurances could be given to them on certain points and that in particular His Majesty’s Government desired to be assured that the other participating powers were willing that the conference should thoroughly and completely deal with the question of restricting the manufacture, sale, and distribution of morphine and with the allied question of cocaine.

I have the honor, therefore, to inquire of your excellency whether steps have been taken to obtain the assurances desired from the other powers, as His Majesty’s Government felt compelled after careful consideration to make their consent to take part in the conference conditional upon these assurances being first obtained from the Governments of the powers concerned.

(For Sir Edward Grey):

F. A. Campbell.