Affairs in the Kongo
[Continued from Foreign Relations, 1909, p. 400.]
[709] Minister Bryan to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Brussels, March 18, 1910.
Brussels, March 18, 1910.
File No. 1806/668.
[710] Minister Bryan to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Brussels, April 1, 1910.
Brussels, April 1, 1910.
File No. 855a.00/670.
[711] The Secretary of State to Minister Bryan.
Department of State,
Washington, April 26, 1910.
Washington, April 26, 1910.
File No. 1806/670.
[712] Minister Bryan to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Brussels, May 5, 1910.
Brussels, May 5, 1910.
File No. 85a.00.
[713] The Secretary of State to Minister Bryan.
Department of State,
Washington, June 6, 1910.
Washington, June 6, 1910.
File No. 1806/674.