- Visit of Señor Don Pedro Montt, President of Chile, to the United
States (Documents 103–109)
- Death of Señor Don Pedro Montt and Señor Don Elias Fernandez Albana,
President and Vice President, respectively, of Chile (Documents 110–121)
- Death of Señor Anibal Cruz, Chilean minister to the United States (Documents 122–126)
- Arbitration of the claim of Alsop & Co., an American corporation, v. Chile (Documents 127–142)
- Protocol between the United States and Chile, arbitration of the Alsop
claim (Documents 143–146)
- Celebration of the first centennial of the independence of Chile (Documents 147–155)
- Protection of children born in Chile of Chinese parents (Documents 156–157)
- Message of the President of Chile to the Chilean Congress (Document 158)