Great Britain
- Death of His Majesty King Edward VII and succession of His Majesty King
George V to the throne (Documents 601–620)
- Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to boundary
waters between the United States and Canada (Document 621)
- Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to the
boundary line in Passamaquoddy Bay (Document 622)
- The North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration—Decision of the Permanent
Court of Arbitration at The Hague in the case submitted by the United States
and Great Britain (Documents 623–625)
- Grounds for the Dissent to the Award on Question V by Dr. Luis M.
Drago. (Document 624)
- Report of the Agent of the United States. (Document 625)
- Grounds for the Dissent to the Award on Question V by Dr. Luis M.
Drago. (Document 624)
- Declarations by the United States and Great Britain exempting commercial
travelers’ samples from customs inspection (Documents 626–627)
- Taking of testimony by consular officers (Documents 628–631)
- Compulsory immigration, case of Alfred Lumb (Documents 632–635)
- Proposed alternative procedure for the International Prize Court and the
investment of the International Prize Court with the functions of a court of
arbitral justice (Documents 636–668)