- Accession to the throne of—
- Acquisition of property for American missionaries in Morocco and rental of house in Moorish quarter of Mequinez. 734
- Administration of affairs in Korea 677
- Affairs in—
- Agreement between Russia and Japan relative to Manchuria 835
- Agricultural corporations, right of, to purchase and hold lands in Philippine Islands 80
- Albana, Sr. Don Elias Fernandez, Vice President of Chile, death of 132
- Alienage:
- Alleged discrimination against Italian subjects by courts of Pennsylvania 657
- Alleged violation of article 6 of consular convention of 1878 between United States and Italy 673
- Alsop & Co., an American corporation, arbitration of claim of, v. Chile 138
- Ambassador of Brazil, death of 110
- American:
- charitable, religious, and educational institutions in Turkey 857
- citizens—
- as preferred creditors 518
- claims of, resulting from Chang Sha riots 342
- collection of supplementary income tax from, engaged in business in Bulgaria 128
- expatriation 1, 3
- extradition of, from United States to Italy 649
- jurisdiction over, in the Isle of Pines 415
- marriage of, abroad 855
- American women to subjects of Greece 640
- military service case of Antonio S. Nunes 831
- naturalization and military service, case of Rene Dubuc 514
- notice to those, formerly subjects of Austria or Hungary, who contemplate returning to either country 70
- payment of municipal taxes by, in Harbin 230
- prosecution of, by United States, for crimes committed in foreign countries 517
- protection of native, residing abroad 1
- consular—
- courts—
- corporation, Alsop & Co., arbitration of claim of, v. Chile 138
- corporations, status of, in China 197
- diplomatic officers, forbidden to perform marriage ceremony 855
- educational, religious, and charitable institutions in Turkey 857
- expatriation act construed for purposes of immigration act 420
- goods, taxes levied upon, in Manchuria when certified as exempt therefrom 198
- missionaries—
- products, preferential tariff concessions granted by Brazil in favor of 121
- religious, charitable, and educational institutions in Turkey 857
- States, fourth international conference 12
- women, marriage of, to subjects of Greece 640
- Anderson, Chandler, agent of the United States at The Hague in the Arbitration of the North Atlantic Fisheries case between the United States and Great Britain, report of 578
- Arbitral justice, proposal to invest international prize court with functions of court of 597
- Arbitration:
- Argentine Republic:
- Asylum, revolution in Nicaragua 738
- Attitude of United States toward—
- Authentication of extradition papers by consular officers 731
- Attorney General, expatriation act construed by 421
- Austria-Hungary:
- Azedolmolk, Regent of Persia, death of 823
- Belgium:
- extradition procedure, requirements for transit of fugitive through 86, 91
- right of agricultural corporation to purchase and hold land in the Philippine Islands 80
- Third International Conference on Maritime Law 105
- transit of fugitive from justice in course of extradition proceedings between Luxemburg and the United States 81
- Bids for Government work in Siam 846
- Blockade, revolution in Nicaragua 738
- Bombardment, revolution in Nicaragua 738
- Boundary:
- Brazil:
- death of Joaquim Nabuco, Brazilian ambassador to the United States 110
- mediation with United States and Argentina in boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru 438
- message of the President of 115
- naturalization convention with the United States 113
- preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products 121
- Bulgaria:
- Cable concessions granted by the Argentine Republic 61
- Canada:
- boundary waters of, treaty relating to, between United States and Great Britain 532
- declarations by United States and Great Britain exempting commercial travelers’ samples from customs inspection 591
- treaty between United States and Great Britain relating to boundary line in Passamaquoddy Bay 540
- treaty between United States and Great Britain relating to boundary waters between United States and 532
- Canal, Panama, treaties relating to, between United States and republics of Panama and Colombia 361
- Canton-Hankow Railway loan negotiations 280
- Centennial celebrations:
- Children born in Chile of Chinese parents, protection of 194
- Circulars:
- Chamizal case, negotiations between United States and Mexico for arbitration of Chamizal case 716
- Chang-sha, riots at, and claims arising therefrom 342
- Charitable institutions, American, in Turkey 857
- Charlton, Porter, American citizen, extradition of, from United States to Italy 649
- Chile:
- China:
- constitutional assembly, regulations governing same 332
- copyrights in 200
- Hukuang Railway loan 269
- imperial decree of November 25, 1909 328
- joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East 292
- jurisdiction of treaty powers over citizens of nontreaty nations 838
- political affairs in 328
- proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria 231
- proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal administration at Harbin 202
- protection of children born in Chile of Chinese parents 194
- riots at Chang-sha and claims arising therefrom 342
- status of American corporations in 197
- taxes levied in Manchuria upon foreign goods certified as exempt therefrom 198
- visit of Prince Tsai-t’aso to the United States 338
- Whangpoo River conservancy scheme 353
- Chin-chow-Aigun Railway. See Neutralization of railways in Manchuria.
- Chinese Eastern Railway Co., proposed establishment of a municipal administration at Harbin by the 202
- Chinese, protection of children of, born in Chile 194
- Citizenship:
- case of Rene Dubuc 514
- children born in Chile of Chinese parents 194
- compulsory immigration case of Alfred Lumb 594
- emigration and military service law of Austria-Hungary 67
- expatriation 1, 3
- act construed for purposes of immigration act 420
- jurisdiction—
- military service case of Antonio S. Nunes 831
- notice to American citizens, formerly subjects of Austria or Hungary, who contemplate returning to either of those countries 70
- of Rudolf Warren-Lippit 71
- prosecution of American citizens by United States for crimes committed in foreign countries 517
- protection of native Americans residing abroad 1
- Claims:
- Collection of supplementary income tax from foreigners engaged in business in Bulgaria 128
- Colombia:
- Comity, extradition as an act of 646
- Commercial:
- Commission, joint international, for investigation of opium question in Far East 292
- Compulsory immigration, case of Alfred Lumb 594
- Concessions:
- Conferences:
- Congresses. See Conferences.
- Conservancy, Whangpoo River 353
- Consular:
- Conventions. See Treaties.
- Copyrights in China and Japan 200
- Corporations:
- Costa Rica:
- boundary convention between Panama and 820
- boundary dispute between Panama and, convention for settlement of, good offices of United States 772
- earthquakes in 409
- good offices of United States in boundary dispute between Panama and 772
- identic memorandum handed to ministers on special mission of Panama and 810
- memorandum regarding boundaries between Panama and 785
- Costs of extradition proceedings 736
- Creditors, preferred, American citizens as 518
- Crimes:
- Cruz, Sr. Anibal, Chilean minister to the United States, death of 136
- Cuba:
- Customs inspection, exemption of commercial travelers’ samples from 591
- Death of—
- Chilean minister to the United States, Sr. Anibal Cruz 136
- Ove Gude, Norwegian minister to United States 768
- His Imperial Highness the Regent of Persia 823
- His Majesty King Edward VII 524
- King of Siam 842
- Joaquim Nabuco, Brazilian ambassador to the United States 110
- President of—
- Vice President of Chile 132
- Decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the North Atlantic Fisheries Arbitration between the United States and Great Britain 544
- Declarations by United States and Great Britain exempting commercial travelers’ samples from customs inspection 591
- De facto Government, recognition of, in Portugal 825
- Denmark:
- Deportation, case of Alfred Lumb 594
- Detention period, reckoning of, in extradition cases 77
- Discrimination:
- Disputed boundary:
- Disturbances, political, attitude of United States concerning, in Cuba 416
- Domingo de Obaldia, Jose, President of Panama, death of 770
- Dominican Republic, extradition treaty between United States and 424
- Drago, dissenting opinion of, in the North Atlantic Fisheries Arbitration, at The Hague between the United States and Great Britain 569
- Dubuc, Rene, naturalization and military service, case of 514
- Earthquakes in Costa Rica 409
- Ecuador:
- Educational institutions, American, in Turkey 857
- Edward VII, King of England, death of 524
- Emigration and military service law of Austria-Hungary 67
- Enforcement of local laws by United States consular courts in extraterritorial countries 848
- Exchange of notes between United States and Portugal effecting commercial arrangement 828
- Expatriation:
- Expenses of extradition proceedings 736
- Extradition:
- authentication of, papers by consular officers 731
- expenses of proceedings 736
- of Porter Charlton, American citizen from United States to Italy 649
- of Heliodoro Garcia from Mexico to United States 723
- of Vahan Nalbandian, granted by Bulgaria, as act of grace 122
- of Moritz Ormai to Austria-Hungary 77
- of Charles Vandenberg from Honduras to United States granted &s an act of comity 646
- procedure—
- translation of papers in, cases 733
- treaty between United States and the Dominican Republic 424
- trial in Greece of Greek subjects for extraditable crimes committed in United States 640
- Extraterritorial jurisdiction:
- Far East:
- agreement between Japan and Russia relative to Manchuria 835
- joint international commission for investigation of opium question in 292
- jurisdiction of treaty powers over citizens of nontreaty nations 838
- political affairs in China 328
- riots at Chang-sha and claims arising therefrom 342
- visit of Prince Tsai-T’ao to the United States 338
- Fisheries:
- Floods in France 508
- Foreign goods in Manchuria, taxes levied upon 198
- France:
- Functions of consular officers concerning wills 676
- Garcia, Heliodoro, extradition of, from Mexico to United States 723
- George V, King of England, accession of, to the throne 524
- Germany:
- Good offices:
- King of Great Britain, mediator in adjustment of claim of Alsop & Co., an American corporation v. Chile 188
- of United States, Argentina and Brazil in boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru 438
- of United States in case of boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama, good offices of the United States 772
- Government contracts, open tenders for in Siam 846
- Great Britain:
- compulsory immigration case of Alfred Lumb 594
- death of His Majesty King Edward VII and succession of His Majesty King George V to the throne 524
- decision of the permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague in fisheries case submitted by United States and 544
- declarations by United States and, exempting, commercial travelers’ samples from customs inspection 591
- good office of King of, in adjustment of claim of Alsop & Co., an American corporation, v. Chile 188
- Hukuang Railway loan 269
- North Atlantic coast fisheries arbitration decision 544
- treaty with United States relating to—
- Greece:
- Guatemala: Message of the president of 642
- Gude, Ove, Norwegian minister to United States, death of 768
- Hague, decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at, in fisheries case submitted by United States and Great Britain 544
- Haiti, message of the President of 644
- Hangkow-Canton and Hangkow-Ch’eng-to Railway loan negotiations 280
- Harbin:
- Honduras, message of the President of 646
- Hukuang Railway loan 269
- Identic memorandum to ministers on special mission of Costa Rica and Panama 810
- Immigration:
- Immunities of unclassified vice consular officers 522
- Income tax, supplementary, collection of from foreigners engaged in business in Bulgaria 128
- Independence centennial, celebrations of—
- International—
- Interpretation of treaties:
- Isle of Pines, jurisdiction over American citizens in the 415
- Italy:
- Japan:
- Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East 292
- Jurisdiction:
- King of Great Britain, good office of, in adjustment of claim of Alsop & Co., an American corporation, v. Chile 188
- Kongo, affairs in 686
- Korea:
- Latin America, Fourth International Conference of American States 12
- Liberia:
- Loans:
- Lumb, Alfred, compulsory immigration of 594
- Luxemburg:
- Maine, raising of wreck of 417
- Manchuria:
- Maritime Law, Third International Conference on 105
- Marriage:
- Mediation:
- Mediator for adjustment of claim of Alsop & Co., an American corporation v. Chile, King of Great Britain acting as 188
- Memorandum regarding boundaries between Costa Rica and Panama 785
- Message of the President of—
- Mexico:
- authentication of extradition papers by consular officers 731
- celebration of first centennial of independence of 712
- extradition of Heliodoro Garcia from Mexico to United States 723
- message of the President 729
- negotiations between United States and Mexico for arbitration of the Chamizal case 716
- translation of papers in extradition cases 733
- Military service:
- Missionaries, American, acquisition of property and rental of house for in Moorish quarter of Mequinez 734
- Montt, Sr. Don Pedro, President of Chile:
- Morocco, acquisition of property and rental of house for American missionaries in Moorish quarters of Mequinez 734
- Municipal—
- Nabuco, Joaquim, Brazilian ambassador to the United States, death of 110
- Nalbandian, Vahan, extradition of, granted by Bulgaria as act of grace 122
- Naturalization—
- Netherlands:
- Neutralization of railways in Manchuria, proposal for 231
- Nicaragua:
- North Atlantic coast fisheries, arbitration between the United States and Great Britain:
- Norway, death of Mr. Ove Gude, Norwegian minister to the United States 768
- Notes, exchange of, between United States and Portugal effecting commercial arrangement 828
- Nunes, Antonio S., military service case of 831
- Officers, consular, authentication of extradition papers by 731
- Open tenders for Government work in Siam 846
- Opium, Joint International Commission for the Investigation of, in the Far East 292
- Ormai, Moritz, extradition of, from the United States to Austria-Hungary 77
- Panama:
- boundary convention between Costa Rica and 820
- Canal, treaties relating to, between United States and Republics of Colombia and Panama 361
- convention for the settlement of boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama 772
- death of the President of 770
- good offices of the United States in boundary dispute between Costa Rica and 772
- identic memorandum handed to ministers on special mission of Costa Rica and 810
- memorandum regarding boundaries between Costa Rica and 785
- treaties between United States and Republics of Colombia and, relating to canal 361
- Pan American conference 12
- Paraguay, message of the President 862
- Passamaquaddy Bay, treaty relating to boundary line in, between Great Britain and United States 540
- Passport, case of Rudolf Warren-Lippit 71
- Persia, death of His Imperial Highness the Regent of Persia 823
- Peru:
- Philippine Islands:
- Political—
- Portugal:
- Preferential tariff concessions granted by Brazil in favor of American products 121
- Preferred creditors, American citizens as 518
- Presentation of statue of George Washington by people of Virginia to people of France 511
- President of—
- Brazil, message of 115
- Chile—
- Ecuador, message of 430, 433, 497
- Guatemala, message of 642
- Haiti, message of 644
- Honduras, message of 646
- Mexico, message of 729
- Nicaragua, statement relative to civil war in Nicaragua 751
- Panama, death of 770
- Paraguay, message of 862
- Peru, message of 494
- Salvador, message of 840
- Uruguay, message of 861
- Venezuela, message of 868
- Prince Tsai-T’ao, visit of, to the United States 338
- Prize Court, International, alternative procedure proposed 597
- Procedure proposed for international Prize Court 597
- Prosecution of American citizens by United States for crimes committed in foreign countries 517
- Protection:
- Protocol to the convention relative to the establishment of an international prize court 631
- Railways:
- Chin-Chow-Aigun. See Neutralization of Railways in Manchuria.
- Chinese Eastern, proposed establishment of a municipal administration at Harbin by the 202
- Hankow-Canton loan negotiations 280
- Hankow-Ch’ eng-to loan negotiations 280
- Hukuang loan 269
- proposal for the neutralization of, in Manchuria 231
- Szechuen-Hankow. See Hukuang railway loan.
- Raising of wreck of U. S. S. Maine 417
- Recognition of de facto government in Portugal 825
- Regent of Persia, death of 823
- Religious institutions, American, in Turkey 857
- Revolution in—
- Riots in Chang-Sha and claims arising therefrom 342
- River conservancy, Whangpoo 353
- Russia:
- Salvador, message of President of 840
- Siam:
- Sovereignty, cession of, by Korea to Japan 682
- Spain, interpretation of article 23 of treaty of friendship and general relations of July 3, 1902, between United States and 851
- Statue, of George Washington, presented by people of Virginia to the people of France 511
- Status of American corporations in Chinese Empire 197
- Szechuen-Hankow railway in China. See Hukuang railway loan.
- Taking of testimony by consular officers 592
- Tariff concessions, preferential, granted American products by Brazil 121
- Tax, supplementary income, collection of, from foreigners engaged in business in Bulgaria 128
- Taxes:
- Testimony, taking of, by consular officers 592
- Transit of fugitive from justice in course of extradition proceedings between Luxemburg and the United States 81
- Translation of papers in extradition cases 733
- Treaties:
- alleged violation of article 6 consular convention between United States and Italy 673
- amended draft of protocol for settlement of boundary dispute between Peru and Ecuador 485
- arbitration—
- between—
- Japan and Korea making cession of sovereignty over Korea 682
- United States and Great Britain relating to boundary waters between the United States and Canada 532
- United States and Great Britain relating to boundary line in Passamaquoddy Bay 540
- United States and Republics of Panama and Colombia relating to canal 361
- boundary convention between Costa Rica and Panama 820
- commercial, between Denmark and France 423
- convention—
- draft of protocol for settlement of boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru proposed by mediating powers 479
- extradition, between United States and Dominican Republic 424
- interpretation—
- jurisdiction of treaty powers over citizens of nontreaty nations 838
- naturalization, between United States and Brazil 113
- Trial in Greece of Greek subjects for extraditable crimes committed in United States 640
- Tsai-Tao. Prince, visit to the United States 338
- Turkey, American religious, charitable, and educational institutions in Turkey 857
- United States:
- alleged violation of article 6 of consular convention of 1878 between Italy and 673
- arbitration—
- attitude toward—
- political disturbances in Cuba 416
- battleship Maine, raising of 417
- Brazilian ambassador to, death of 110
- Chilean minister to, death of 136
- commercial arrangement effected by exchange of notes between Portugal and 828
- consular courts, enforcement of local laws in extraterritorial countries, by 848
- courts, alleged discrimination against foreign creditors, by 518
- death of—
- Norwegian minister to 768
- decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague in fisheries case submitted by Great Britain 544
- declarations by Great Britain and, exempting commercial travelers’ samples from customs inspection 591
- extradition—
- Hukuang Railway loan 269
- immunities of unclassified vice consular officers 522
- interpretation of article 23 of treaty of friendship and general relations of July 3, 1902, between Spain and 851
- jurisdiction over citizens of, in the Isle of Pines 415
- mediation with Argentina and Brazil in boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru 438
- negotiations with Mexico for arbitration of the Chamizal case 716
- North Atlantic coast fisheries arbitration, decision 544
- Norwegian minister to, death of 768
- proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria 231
- proposed alternative procedure for international prize court 597
- Prosecution of American citizens by, for crimes committed in foreign countries 517
- religious, charitable, and educational institutions of, in Turkey 857
- treaties—
- trial in Greece of Greek subjects for extraditable crimes committed in 640
- visit of—
- Uruguay:
- Message of the President 861
- Vandenberg, Charles, extradition of, from Honduras an act of comity 646
- Venezuela:
- Vice-consular officers, immunities of 522
- Vice President of Chile, death of 132
- Violation, alleged, of article 6 of consular convention of 1878 between United States and Italy 673
- Virginia, presentation of a statue of George Washington, by the people of, to people of France 511
- Visit:
- Warren-Lippit, Rudolf, citizenship of 71
- Washington, George, presentation of statue of, by people of Virginia to people of France 511
- Waters, boundary, treaty relating to, between United States and Great Britain 532
- Whangpoo River conservancy scheme 353
- Wills, functions of consular officers concerning 676
- Wreck of U. S. S. Maine, raising of 417