- Status of American corporations in the Chinese Empire (Document 159)
- Taxes levied in Manchuria upon foreign goods certified as exempt
therefrom (Document 160)
- Copyrights in China and Japan (Document 161)
- Proposed establishment by the Chinese Eastern Railway Co. of a municipal
administration at Harbin (Documents 162–193)
- Proposal for the neutralization of railways in Manchuria (Documents 194–240)
- The Hukuang Railway loan (Documents 241–267)
- Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question
in the Far East (Documents 268–321)
- Political affairs in China (Documents 322–327)
- Visit of His Imperial Highness Prince Tsai-T’ao to the United
States (Documents 328–336)
- Riots at Chang-Sha and claims arising therefrom (Documents 337–352)
- The Whangpoo River conservancy scheme (Documents 353–356)