The Mexican Chargé to Acting Secretary of State Adee.
Washington, March 27, 1905.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your courteous personal note of this date, by which you are pleased to inform me that His Excellency the President has been kind enough to order the United States cruiser Columbia to convey to the border the body of the deceased ambassador of Mexico.
I also noted, and at once advised the family of Señor Aspíroz, that the hospitality of the ship was extended to them.
In reply I beg at once to express in the name of my government, to whom I at once reported by telegraph this new and extreme manifestation of international friendship by the United States toward [Page 655] Mexico, most sincere thanks as well as the gratitude of the family of the ambassador.
Regarding the other details concerning which you desire information, I am pleased to say that the persons who accompany the body are: The widow of the ambassador; her two daughters, the widow de Perez and Miss Belén de Azpíroz; Mr. Rodrigo de Azpíroz, son of the ambassador and second secretary of embassy, and a female servant. The family would like, if convenient, that the date of departure be fixed for the 8th of April. I beg you, in this regard, to be pleased to indicate where the embarkation will take place.
As you surmised, the port of disembarkation in Mexico will be Veracruz.
Be pleased, etc.,