- Murder of Ho Choy Yeen, a Chinese comprador, by American sailors (Documents 132–138)
- Conservancy of the Whangpu River (Documents 139–146)
- Cancellation of the American China Development Company’s Canton-Hankau
Railway concession (Documents 147–164)
- Neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 165–179)
- Payment of the Chinese indemnity (Documents 180–190)
- Opening of trade ports in China (Documents 191–194)
- Census of Chinese in the United States (Documents 195–198)
- Protection of trade-marks in China (Documents 199–206)
- Penal, governmental, educational, and currency reforms (Documents 207–215)
- Anti-American boycott (Documents 216–243)
- Mining regulations in China (Documents 244–245)
- Peace negotiations between Russia and Japan