- Relations between Colombia and Panama (Documents 246–247)
- Message of the President of Colombia to the Colombian Congress (Document 248)
- Arbitration of boundary dispute between Colombia and Ecuador (Document 249)
- Settlement of the claim of the Compañia Fluvial de Cartagena et al.
against Colombia (Documents 250–254)
- Presentation of credentials by the Colombian minister (Documents 255–256)
- Murder of Joseff Otto in Colombia (Documents 257–260)
- Relations between Colombia and Venezuela.—Request for the good offices of
the United States in advocating the principle of the free navigation of
rivers common to neighboring countries (Documents 261–264)
- Amendments of the national constitution of Colombia (Document 265)
- General arbitration treaty, arbitration treaty of limits, and modus
vivendi between Colombia and Peru (Document 266)
- Settlement of the claim of Raymond and Sophie Smith against
Colombia (Documents 267–268)
- Revolutionary conspiracy (Documents 269–273)