The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Chargé.

No. 587.]

Sir: Supplementing my personal note of the 27th and your reply of the same date, I have the honor to inform you that by direction of the President the Acting Secretary of the Navy has detailed the United States cruiser Columbia to convey the remains of the late ambassador to Mexico. Owing to the time necessary to bring the vessel home from the Caribbean Sea and prepare for the voyage to Mexico, the date of sailing from New York with the remains will probably be between April 15 and 20.

The Government of the United States further extends a cordial invitation to the widow and family of Señor Azpíroz to accompany the body. Accommodations to that end will be reserved on the Columbia for the family party, which, as I understand from your note, will consist of the widow of the ambassador; her two daughters, Señora de Perez and Señorita Belén de Azpíroz; Mr. Rodrigo de Azpíroz, son of the ambassador and second secretary of embassy, and a female servant.

Accept, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee.