Cancellation of the American China Development Company’s Canton-Hankau Railway concession

[147] The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State.

[149] The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister.

[150] The Secretary of State to Minister Conger.

[151] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Conger.

[152] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister.

[153] The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister.

[154] The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State.

[155] Chargé Coolidge to the Secretary of State.

[156] The Secretary of State to Minister Conger.

[157] Chargé Coolidge to the Secretary of State.

[158] Chargé Coolidge to the Secretary of State.

[159] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Rockhill.

[160] Minister Rockhill to the Secretary of State.

[161] The Chinese Minister to the Acting Secretary of State.

[163] The Chinese Minister to the Acting Secretary of State.

[164] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister.