- Japanese tea subsidy (Documents 532–534)
- Destruction of sea fowl on Midway and other North Pacific islands (Documents 535–538)
- Raising of the blockade of the Liaotung Peninsula (Document 539)
- Preservation of the integrity and neutrality of China (Documents 540–549)
- Regulations for the defensive sea area at Kelung, Formosa (Document 550)
- Neutrality of the United States in the war between Russia and Japan (Documents 551–569)
- Treatment of prisoners of war, their release and exchange (Documents 570–593)
- Mining law of Japan (Document 594)
- Treaty between Japan and Great Britain regarding the commercial relations
between Japan and India (Document 595)
- Japanese supervision over Korean foreign and administrative affairs (Documents 596–604)
- Status and form of government of Manchuria (Documents 605–606)
- Peace negotiations between Japan and Russia.
- Alleged violations of the Geneva Red Cross Convention of 1864 and of the
The Hague Convention of 1899 (Documents 607–612)
- Exclusion of Japanese from Vladivostok (Documents 613–614)
- Treaties concluded by Sweden and Norway with other powers, and the diplomatic and consular regulations of those countries with other powers.